Material Testing, Instrumentation, and Data Acquisition in Academic Institutions

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When it comes to instrumentation, universities seek cost-effective, high-accuracy solutions. In general, universities are on a tight budget. They are looking for cost-effective, high-accuracy test instrumentation products that are easy to install and use.

Another consideration is that many cheaper instruments support only one type of sensor, requiring more instruments to be purchased as additional sensors are brought into play. This means it can be significantly more cost-effective over time to purchase instruments that can work with multiple sensor types (strain gauges, crack gauges, load cells, pressure transducers, force transducers, torque transducers, etc.). Find out what to look for in versatile instruments that support multiple sensors and can be used on desks or in racks, all without the burden of proprietary connectors.

Data acquisition is crucial, and we'll help you navigate your options, from costly software solutions to standardized Ethernet-based LXI instruments and versatile driver options. Discover the flexibility to store data internally, on USB drives, or stream it to servers.

Explore the significance of material testing, instrumentation, and data acquisition in academic institutions through our white paper. Learn about the various tests, from tension and compression to fatigue testing, and the importance of temperature control in experiments.